“ From little things, big things grow ”

Paths taken always retain a reference to the origin

Every tree sprouts from a seedling, nurtured by the environment it encounters and by growing, both, up towards the light and robust in its roots. My journey too has mirrored these laws of nature.

It all began in a small room with a view. A home that inculcated a confidence in ethics and gave wings to my dreams; a street, where we played as young children in the evenings; and a community, in which I saw simplicity and an unassuming commitment to values demonstrated. In these unpretentious but self assured origins, my vision grew to include possibilities far beyond my street, my city, my country.

My childhood belonged to simpler times. We grew up as equals, competitive yet secure and carefree. It was a time when change was slow, but when it happened, it was revolutionary. I recall, with great fondness, the celebrations surrounding the first telephone line in our home. The first television was another landmark. I believe that growing up in that golden era of ‘big pleasures from small joys’ had tremendous benefits. It bound one intrinsically to things that truly matter – values, culture, family, honor & integrity – and inculcated a sense of gratitude for what one had. I might be an entrepreneur today, yet I am still firmly rooted in tradition and a keen nationalist.

I draw strength and focus from being anchored in simplicity. People often mistake simplicity for a lack of drive or ambition. I believe the contrary is true. I feel simplicity in thought and mind allows you to channelize all your energies into achieving and even exceeding your ambitious goals. A simple mindset takes the complexity out of situations. It helps you set challenges to test even your own personal limits. It helps you set over-ambitious goals. And it helps pave the way for achieving them.

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